Wsl set home directory. ssh, along with various other files like wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20. sh. WSL. For example your C:\ drive will be present at /mnt/c/ for you to use. Prerequisites. Step 3: Go to Windows Terminal Settings and navigate to your Linux distro (in my case Ubuntu 20. Jan 17, 2024 · To enable systemd, open your wsl. If you run WSL with debug enabled (to do this just go to the WSL remote extension settings and turn on the Remote WSL:Debug Mar 6, 2021 · echo "The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly" >&2. exe, what I found is not everything works as expected - especially with node version manager switching versions, or installing node modules. Aug 2, 2022 · Create a new folder on drive D for the WSL installation: mkdir D:\wsl Import the Ubuntu distribution from the backup tar file to the new folder on drive D: wsl --import Ubuntu D:\wsl\ D:\backup\ubuntu. (4): Finally, restart wsl. If move to some other folder (e. move the ext4. conf file already exists (use the ls command, or explorer. Final Step: Go to CMD and right the following command: npm set prefix C:\Users\username (Number)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules. Jul 17, 2023 · Mounting an unpartitioned disk. ) The the updated home directory is on a drivefs file system. Try: in the Ubuntu terminal to go to that folder. com. exe run. Ubuntu18. Then, open PowerShell as an administrator and run the command wsl --set-version <distribution name> 2. Caveats: You must (currently) manually wsl --mount the raw partition before starting distribution (e. After that from the left side panel scroll down to the end. If you have a disk that doesn't have any partitions, you can mount it directly using the wsl --mount command. So the full command will be ubuntu. Edit the bash on Ubuntu on Windows shortcut and add --rcfile ~/. If your initial installation fails (for reasons like cannot extract vscode-server on remote system due to space restriction). 2. For example, wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20. (3): In the right-side navigation pane, double-click the REG_SZ item called DistributionName, and edit its content to whatever you want. This can vary by starting method. WSL can be modified to "pretend" to set and honor Linux-permissions on files by creating a file named /etc/wsl. Check the default 'integrated terminal' path, and cwd value. WSL 2 is only available in Windows 11 or Windows 10, Version 1903, Build 18362 or later. will be the path along with file name where your . Changing, of course, username to be your default username. For Windows Terminal, you can set the profile's "Command Line" setting to wsl ~, which will override the "Starting Aug 16, 2020 · There must be an easier way? Yep. json file of the Windows Terminal. Otherwise I can launch it with code D:\Users\Adrian\Documents\VSC and the bash terminal will Jan 7, 2017 · 0. on ( 'gui-startup', function ( cmd ) -- attempting to set the cwd or manually cd in args -- doesn't work when spawning a new mux window either local _, pane, window = wezterm. First download Anaconda installer for Linux from here: Anaconda | Individual Edition. Once your distribution restarts, systemd should be running. To revert to the previous user, follow these steps: Open the Ubuntu App Folder. 04onWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\rootfs. Select OK to apply the changes. Once in the settings json file find the WSL entry and set the startingDirectory to the network path of your WSL home directory: Now when you launch WSL in the terminal it will start in good old ~. "guid": "{2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}" , Sep 24, 2020 · Windows 10 has the ability to share environment variables with WSL. For each profile you can set a startingDirectory property. Change starting directory option. When you install the WSL application package, the files are located (as is typically the case with Windows application packages) in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\<package_dir>. Data and settings are gone after the new installation. First, the easy one. To unmount and detach the disk from WSL 2, run. exe --export <Distro Name> <tar file name>. Also, there's no need to cd . But in a way that allows the two different operating systems to interact with each other. The number represents the version of WSL to default to for new Linux distribution installations. To change versions, use the command: wsl --set-version <distro name> 2 replacing <distro name> with the name of the Linux distribution that you want to update. Make sure that distributions are stored on your system drive: On Windows 10 open Settings -> System -> Storage -> More Storage Settings: Change where new content is saved. ssh and my WSL installation in \home\jeremy\. To fix it you need to modify the settings. Ubuntu) in WSL. Fill this with a path according to this format: \\wsl$\<distro-name>\home\<your-user-name> . These commands will by default open WSL in the current working Nov 9, 2013 · Go inside npm folder and check if node_module folder exist, if not create a new folder named as node_modules. Note that C:\Program Files\Windows Apps is a protected directory, and Nov 1, 2023 · Open WSL Files from Terminal. If you touch ~/abc, you should find the file created in your C:\lhome\username directory as well. It actually takes a Windows path spec, not the WSL/Linux form. For instance, for me on Windows 11: Typing wsl. Here Distro Name will be the name of the Linux distribution whose directory you wish to move. You can confirm this with cd ~; pwd. To avoid the issue, set remote. exe --shutdown from PowerShell to restart your WSL instances. 04) and check this option. ago. from your home Feb 4, 2021 · Click on Windows PowerShell, Command Prompt, or WSL distro, depending on the console you want to configure. The disks paths are available under the ‘DeviceID’ columns. echo "This environment variable is needed to run this program" >&2. Therefore, C:/wamp64/www should be at /mnt/c/wamp64/www. conf file in a text editor using sudo for admin permissions and add these lines to the /etc/wsl. Aug 28, 2023 · To see whether your Linux distribution is set to WSL 1 or WSL 2, use the command: wsl -l -v. Sep 19, 2018 · You can find in an easy way on UI. They do not have to be the same, of course. You can easily access, read and write files from WSL Linux file system to Windows and vice-versa by simply navigating to the file location : C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited. spawn_window {. May 19, 2021 · 1. Your home directory should now be /lhome/username. The Docker-WSL integration is enabled on the Interoperability is the ability to transparently execute commands and applications, share files, network and environment variables across Windows and Ubuntu. Backslashes need to be escaped, so this becomes Aug 8, 2016 · For example, after you install this, in linux (WSL) you would just cd /home/mark/. From the WSL docs: bash ~ launches the bash shell into the user’s home directory. Nov 19, 2018 · Open PowerShell. The umask is applied to all files, the dmask is applied just to directories and the fmask is applied just to files. C:\). Replace new_directory with the actual path of the new home directory, and replace username with the actual username of the user you want to change the home directory for. If I change my shell to fish/zsh via chsh, and then use wsl. (Yep, the answer is in the question, but some people, like me, are going to skip straight to the answers without reading the question. wmic diskdrive list brief. 04. One thing I’ve found frustrating is having to keep my home directories in sync, for example having to duplicate my ssh keys between my Windows home directory in c:\users\Jeremy\. Select the location – for example, C:\. Similar to running cd ~. Sep 2, 2018 · 1. Assuming they are different, though, then the next issue is that you mention "changing the permissions" via chown . May 18, 2021 · Launch that instance using wsl ~ -d Ubuntu20. On Windows 11 open Settings -> System -> Storage -> Advanced storage settings Reconnect from your VSCode again. conf with the following contents: Oct 31, 2021 · To do that you must use the below command. wsl --import-in-place distro_name ext4. Run ls in the terminal to see folders. Make sure to use \\ in place of \ and you do not need the trailing \. At this point, your WSL window should come up exactly as before, but with the new directory as the home directory. mux. Alternatively, we can create a new folder by running a command in the WSL terminal. File > Preference > Settings. Upon initial install, the user's current working directory is: /mnt/c/Windows/System32 It may be preferable to CD to the user's home directory to start. May 24, 2021 · Now find the profile for which you want to set the starting directory, in my case it’s Ubuntu . tar. EDIT: this feature is being officially supported in WSL now, and you should no longer use my scripts Jun 28, 2023 · Stack Exchange Network. gitconfig file: Now you are able to type to set the path you want to use. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. wsl --unmount <Diskpath>. It's a bit non-intuitive, and just as undocumented as the ~ option, but wsl --cd sounds like what you are looking for. The directory path should look something like: C:\Users\<UserName>\. exe for default terminal, not bash. Press: Win + R on your PC. If you’re an IT pro struggling with too many password reset requests in Active Directory, check out Specops uReset, a secure SSPR May 11, 2020 · If you want to move WSL2 Linux distro (Ubuntu) from C: drive D: below are the steps. 04 2 will set your Ubuntu 20. Just start wsl with wsl ~ to start in your home directory. Apr 3, 2022 · If changing the location of a specific distribution is the aim, this is probably the fastest and most secure way to do it : wsl --terminate distro_name. Exit your distro/instance, then issue a wsl --terminate <distroname> from PowerShell Jun 16, 2023 · Open the terminal. fileWatcher. Use the Linux home folder instead. Double-click each one until you find the wsl distribution with the name you want to change. That's a known problem with the WSL file system implementation (Microsoft/WSL#3395, Microsoft/WSL#1956) caused by the file watcher active by VSCode. Under the “Starting directory” section, click the Browse button. The downloaded file will be located inside the Downloads directory of Windows. On the General tab you’ll find the starting directory option. 1 (in WSL) through Microsoft Terminal in my Windows home directory C:\Users\\<name\>. wsl ~. Jul 4, 2020 · Method 1 - /etc/wsl. The official tedious way. The current Microsoft recommended way of setting the username in an instance is to create a /etc/wsl. It is called PRE_NAMESPACE_PWD. compare with User settings and Workspace settings on the upside on UI about same options keys. /test. 30-34 ). Comparing WSL 1 and WSL 2. Nov 17, 2019 · The fix. From within the Windows Subsystem for Linux environment you want to browse, run the following command: explorer. 35. Frank ) to know where to cd to. To set up and enable WSL involves installing a Linux distribution alongside Windows 10. exe or bash. . localhost\Ubuntu didn't work, because. Aug 20, 2020 · In the last part of this at home series Kayla Cinnamon shares how you can configure a WSL distro to launch in the home directory. • 3 yr. You will need to set your username by creating a /etc/wsl. The issue will only be fixed in WSL 2. Nov 21, 2021 · To enable changing file owners & permissions, you need to edit /etc/wsl. Save it. exe" args: - --cd ~ 👍 13 xy9485, filmor, ThiefZero, sarunmrzn, zenwalk, ales-t, Diorgeles, Zouziszzm, croatialu, cufarvid, and 3 more reacted with thumbs up emoji ️ 3 sarunmrzn, ales-t Mar 20, 2021 · Apperently, in this special case, WSL Ubuntu overwrites the old installation with a new one and you have to set everything up again. If you experience performance issues, consider moving the files into your Ubuntu home directory (~). Oct 11, 2020 · On setting up a WSL2 image on one occasion and a WSL2-backed docker image on another, I found my C drive was full. This brings up the current working directory of each WSL installation, and then I drag the files between them. Another option is to just run wsl. Dec 4, 2019 · (The folder name contains all Hexadecimal digits). However, starting from the Windows "Run" dialog ( 🪟Win + R ), results in starting in Jun 16, 2021 · 3. bashrc at the end of it. For clarity, chown changes ownership . Identify the disk - To list the available disks in Windows, run: PowerShell. Select Profile tab. If I launch Windows from PowerShell or CMD, the starting directory will be the current directory of PowerShell/CMD. After I configured terminal as wsl I go as below: If I open a cmd windows I can launch it with code . Sep 26, 2019 · I am trying to write a script to automate installing some things in WSL and then cloning a repo to the user's home folder in Windows (e. Jan 17, 2024 · To get to your %UserProfile% directory, in PowerShell, use cd ~ to access your home directory (which is typically your user profile, C:\Users\<UserName>) or you can open Windows File Explorer and enter %UserProfile% in the address bar. But what I really want is to change the defaults so all future docker and non-docker WSL2 images are Oct 3, 2020 · There's two ways to change the location of the above mentioned vhd file the official, tedious way and an unofficial quick and dirty way. localhost/Ubuntu. json file of Windows Terminal (which you can open with keyboard shotrcut: Ctrl + , ). While there's no way to change the default directory that is entered when you run wsl. For example including this line would always start your terminal in the baz directory: { "terminal. conf and insert the below config options: [automount] options = "metadata" This may require restarting WSL (such as with wsl --shutdown) or the host machine to take effect. May 14, 2021 · Let's see how to install Anaconda on WSL. This will launch File Explorer showing the current Linux directory — you can browse the Linux environment's file system from there. Jan 6, 2023 · What you need to do is access the directory through the mount that WSL automatically creates for you for each Windows drive (e. echo "NB: JAVA_HOME should point to a JDK not a JRE" >&2. Details Once May 5, 2011 · Create the directory from which you want to serve the files, for example, mkdir example. sh" uses the ". vhdx_file_in_new_location. This flaw can luckily be fixed in the settings. Below is an example of mounting a specific partition of a given hard disk Jul 27, 2018 · I’ve recently been using the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) a lot more recently now that I’m working with Linux servers. Also, with Windows 10 21H2 and Windows 11, wsl --cd ~ works. Under Starting Directory delete %UserProfile% and add your path like /home/user/folder/. Type usermod -d new_directory username and press Enter. If you are using the Windows Terminal Settings UI, then it will automatically provide the proper quoting for you in the Feb 6, 2023 · 5. So: wsl --cd "C:\Users\My User\repos". You should see the success message again. Then set JAVA_HOME to the path to your java installation. mkdir D:\backup. For instance, wsl --cd C:\. This can cause problems with many utilities under Linux, especially git and rsync . Mar 28, 2018 · Step 2: Go to the folder you want to open Ubuntu in and open Windows Terminal by right-clicking. Copy. Nov 24, 2017 · $> wslpath --help wslpath: unrecognized option: - wslpath: Invalid argument Usage: -a force result to absolute path format -u translate from a Windows path to a WSL path (default) -w translate from a WSL path to a Windows path -m translate from a WSL path to a Windows path, with '/' instead of '\' EX: wslpath 'c:\users' Jun 28, 2020 · Get rid of the default /mnt/c/Users/YourName directory in the WSL 2 prompt. 11-Linux-x86_64. Export Ubuntu. In PowerShell, issue: wsl --terminate <distroname>. conf with the following: [user] default=me. By default, this is /home/<username>, but that does not have to be the case. If you don't, then you won't have a /home when starting WSL, and it Nov 26, 2018 · 24. This might seem transparent to most people, but it is what Jul 18, 2022 · By default, WSL starts in the current working directory of its parent process. Share. I had to make it work this way. g Documents) and launch it with code . ms/ Mar 4, 2023 · 4. Export the distro to a location with wsl. Now every time you open Ubuntu through the Windows terminal it will open in that directory. I LOVE this new M1 machine Couldn't be happier dumping specifically win10, which i hate to its very core. To check WSL version, simply relaunch your CMD or PowerShell and run the following command. And that's not a problem at all (nor related to your problem). Nov 20, 2022 · As above, I want to by default open Ubuntu 22. Reference : Share Environment Vars between WSL and Windows. The command \\wsl. Jul 6, 2020 · Stack Exchange Network. " shell command to have your current interactive shell run Apr 6, 2020 · We can see that it by default launches the WSL shell inside the home directory. Run mkdir ajeet_new to create a new project directory called “ajeet_new”. Oct 4, 2021 · Some notes on usernames and home directories. You should be able to open this settings file by using the <CTRL>+, shortcut in the Windows Terminal. This is specified via an environment variable (of course) named WSLENV. Open Users folder. Using ". Exit WSL. Personally, for using your Linux home directory as a starting point, I recommend this technique (my answer in that same Stack Overflow question). Bash removes backslashes while parsing the command (solution: use forward slashes: / ). WSL_subreddit_mod. In your case, run setx JAVA_HOME "D:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11. bash_profile in your home directory and include source ~/. Select Properties. bashrc to the end of the command. . Jul 4, 2020 · WSL stores your Windows drives in the /mnt folder, with the name of the drive as a subfolder. You will see “ajeet” folder we just created. Type 'env' into your WSL bash prompt. That's going to be (by default) at: That's going to be (by default) at: Feb 14, 2021 · So I thought by changing the home directory would be easier because then I can just go for: ~/program. To make HOME_KADATH available in WSL, create the environment variable WSLENV with the value of HOME_KADATH/p. Note, the first / before mnt and remember that in Ubuntu file and folder names are case sensitive. Apr 10, 2023 · Steps to Find the WSL home directory using the GUI file explorer of Windows. Feb 22, 2024 · The Windows Subsystem for Linux only runs on your system drive (usually this is your C: drive). Sep 1, 2022 · First, you need to ensure that your Windows 10 version supports WSL2. Feb 2, 2021 · How to Enable WSL. 04 2 Check WSL version. exe -l -v. Replace <distribution Feb 15, 2022 · So, turns out I found the solution. It will add the following setting to your global . up from the home directory). directory '*' 1. Here is a minimal config that repros the issue: local wezterm = require ( "wezterm" ) wezterm. wsl -l -v Launch Your WSL Terminal. bashrc. exe but changing the home directory gets rid of the color scheme in cmder, making it a bit harder to read. However, polling based file watching has a performance impact for large workspaces. 04_WSL1. /. Run this command: cd //wsl. Save it and start a new tab for your Oct 20, 2021 · Anyway, the solution is simple and takes about a minute at most: just add a cd command to change the directory in the user’s bash configuration file (/home/<user>/. to view the directory with Windows File Explorer). exe. On your Windows 10 or 11, go to File Explorer or simply open MyPC to get it for finding the WSL Linux app home folder. Apr 1, 2022 · WSL will work better if your WSL user's home directory is on a Linux filesystem. You didn't indicate that you want to change the current directory, without that Bash interpreted your command as running an external program by that name . Please note that the script goes through the "else" part, and that the "! -x" part is where it fails. If you don't give the path in it will be created in the current directory. To do this I need to get the Windows username (e. 3, safe directory checks can be disabled, which will end all the "unsafe repository" errors (this will also work in the latest patch versions of 2. May 16, 2019 · I had hoped that using "workspaceFolder": "/home/jovyan", in devcontainer. answered Mar 23, 2021 at 7:56. conf: You will then need to close your WSL distribution using wsl. Award. exit 1. One answer stated that if I hadn't opened WSL after changing the name of the Win10 user folder, the data could have been salvaged. WSL has a username, and Windows has a user name. Click the Select Folder button. GET-CimInstance -query "SELECT * from Win32_DiskDrive". Import Ubuntu. NOTES: The original home directory uses a VoIFs file system (assuming you're still using WSL, and not WSL2. For anyone finding this through search, this is easiest and allows adding more lines for further wsl arguments: shell: program: "C:\\Windows\\System32\\wsl. wslconfig. Alternatively, you can map a drive letter to a network location. exe --export <Distro> <FileName> from CMD/PowerShell. exe . 1" You should see a message that says "SUCCESS: Specified value was saved". C:\Users. There are two things to bear in mind for this property: The path needs to be a Windows path - so for your HOME folder in WSL you need to use the \\wsl$\ file share. $ wslpath -w /usr/bin. json would do the the trick but that doesn't seem to do anything when using an existing image/container. To upgrade the Linux distro to v2, run: $ wsl. Sep 10, 2020 · To list the available disks in Windows, run: Copy. ssh/ and type explorer, and it would open windows explorer at that location, whatever it is. Jan 13, 2023 · There are a few possibilities, but in all cases, keep in mind that accessing files on the Windows drive from WSL/Ubuntu is drastically slower than having them in the virtual ext4 filesystem. Keeping this in mind, you can swap to your specific folder like so: Jul 7, 2018 · By default, chmod and equivalents in WSL have no effect on a file or directory on a Windows drive. Let's navigate there and install Anaconda: $ chmod a+x Anaconda3–2020. Nov 27, 2023 · sudo gedit /etc/fstab. Now when VSCode looks for the remote sever in your home directory, it would be redirected to the different directory seamlessly. This can be done by running: git config --global --add safe. To set a default version of WSL 1 or WSL 2, replace <Version> with either the number 1 or 2. Where ~ is a short hand Apr 16, 2019 · Other workarounds include: Create a . 0. These permission masks are then put through a Apr 11, 2021 · You can launch directly to the WSL user's home directory using the (at this time, still undocumented) wsl ~ shortcut. I've found the best way to simply execute this in two WSL's open to the home directory of each different WSL installation. If we want run inside it inside the current directory open in PowerShell, we need to specify the run option. Terminal -> Settings. Aug 4, 2017 · In Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) The C:\ drive is mounted as /mnt/c/, D:\ is mounted as /mnt/d/ et cetra. mkdir D:\wsl. \\\. com and change owner and default group of the directory, for example, if your logged in user name is ubuntu change permissions as sudo chown ubuntu:www-data example. fi. For more info visit:Aka. Backslashes need to be escaped, so this becomes Terminal -> Settings. Select the Profile for the WSL distribution. wsl. exe into the Start menu (via 🪟Win) results in being in the System32 directory as in your case. Rename it to “ajeet”. Dec 10, 2021 · Newer releases of WSL are installed as an application package, typically from the Microsoft Store. \PHYSICALDRIVE* format. exe (for good reason, see below), the best workaround is to to simply run wsl ~, which will start in the default user's home directory. To convert a WSL Linux path to a Windows path use wlspath -w. wsl --unregister distro_name. For example: C:\Windows\System32\bash. exe --set-version (distro name) 2. If your drive and partition identifiers are different than the ones used in this example, substitute those for the /dev/sdb1 shown here. test. all 4 operations are immediate. 04 distribution to use Dec 28, 2021 · You can configure your file permissions inside of your Windows drives using the mount options in wsl. ) If I press the Windows key and type WSL [enter], the default directory is /mnt/c/windows/system32 (my C:\Windows\system32). Using cd in a script file and executing that script as a command (just specifying its name e. conf. Then run setx WSLENV "JAVA_HOME/p". tar file be generated. Hope this helped you!! Dec 27, 2021 · In your case, it looks like this would be \\\\wsl$\\Ubuntu\\home\\taeil. Type the name of the partition at the start of the line, and then press Tab. For example, say we want the Ubuntu shell to start in the user’s home directory. exe --set-default-version 2. Note that this takes a Windows-style path to the directory, as opposed to a Linux path. Fire up Windows Terminal and press Ctrl+, to open the JSON settings. $ explorer. For example, wsl --set-default-version 2. To set v2 as the default version for future installations, run: $ wsl. When Docker Desktop starts, go to Settings > Resources > WSL Integration. There are two ways to access your Linux files. C:/Users/Frank/). In my case it looks like \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\rouke . conf in the instance with the following setting: [user] default=username. Jun 18, 2022 · This, of course, mimics the steps from the second option above. cwd": "C:\\Users\\foo\\bar\\baz" } To apply the change, simply Save and restart Visual Studio Code. Right click on the user you want to change. I've tried entering the default path as C:\\Users\\\<name> and as /mnt/C/Users/\<name>, as well as editing the JSON file directly, but each time I get the error: To check the WSL mode, run: $ wsl. We’ll illustrate all these notions by generating data from your Ubuntu WSL instance using your Windows user profile directory, perform some transformations via PowerShell scripts, and Mar 21, 2017 · Once the raw drive is made available to WSL2, you can then sudo mount (or via /etc/fstab) the actual ext4 partition on that drive that contains your /home/. However, if I launch bash and then switch to fish/zsh (either manually or via bashrc), things work a lot better. You can launch to a specified directory using the (also undocumented) wsl --cd <WindowsDirectory> commandline. The new instance will launch as root by default. wsl --export Ubuntu D:\backup\ubuntu. Click the General tab. \\wsl$\Debian\usr\bin. The mount options allow you to set umask, dmask and fmask permissions masks. exe ~ --rcfile ~/. A WSL/Linux user has a home directory. Works for me, everting else not. vhdx file to new_location. You all global modules will come in this folder after completing all steps. Usually under the \\. The output will show that the user’s home directory has been changed. polling to true. This is an old question but I recently encountered the same issue. Or restart Windows Terminal (assuming you are using it) and the new instance should be detected automatically. integrated. it will launch in Windows home directory. Apr 26, 2022 · Change directories up until you see the etc folder (this may require you to cd . tar Set Default User: By default, Ubuntu may utilize the root user. Open WSL Linux File Explorer: There you will see the Linux Penguin icon, click that. sh) won't do what you expect - the script runs in a subprocess, and the directory will be changed in that process, but not in your interactive shell. For example: $ wslpath -w /mnt/c/Users. Unregister the same distribution to remove it from the C: drive: wsl --unregister Ubuntu. Apr 2, 2021 · One thing that really annoys me when opening up my WSL in the Windows Terminal is the fact that it does not open in the home directory of the Linux installation. List the files in the etc directory to see if a wsl. I was able to move over one of the images to my larger drive using the wsl --export, wsl --unregister, and wsl --import commands. the bash will launch to that folder. To anyone who's struggling with this problem, the problem was (in my case at least) in one of the environment variables that vscode was running WSL with. This has been possible since 2018. If you want to WSL to start in a "designated" directory, try the last method above. in my case using wsl. Nov 11, 2016 · This is an enhancement request. Apr 13, 2022 · Starting in Git v2. bashrc). Just add the following line to the end of /home/<user>/. You must add a line at the bottom of the file to mount our new /home directory. I have launched my Ubuntu WSL 2 and it opens in Ubuntu home/user directory, which your check by running this pwd command, this tells you the current directory you are Oct 9, 2020 · Fire up Windows Terminal and press Ctrl+, to open the JSON settings. Right click using computer mouse, select New > Folder. First you need to identify the disk. g. Before: After: To change the home directory I followed these steps: Enter bash; Type the command sudo vim /etc/passwd God i had to just suffer through a week of WSL with Ubuntu Terminal on Win10 to emulate the MacOS env all the other ruby boot camp students are using. To make this the default in Windows Terminal, open the Windows Terminal Settings, find your WSL2 profile, and add “commandline”: “bash. In the section titled Home folder, enter the new location of the home folder in Local path. exe ~”. px uo um mh le bt bd ta fu rf