How to stock a pond with catfish
How to stock a pond with catfish. Per Acre – First time pond stocking in a pond with insects, frogs and green growth, not a raw dirt pond: 50 to 300 Channel Catfish (you can stock up to 500 if you have an Automatic Feeder) 1000 to 3000 Fathead Minnows 50 to 100 Specklebelly Hybrid Bream (they don’t reproduce successfully or need Bass to Another option is to stock channel catfish in a bass and bluegill pond. Brown Bullhead. When you are first setting up this kind of pond it’s hard to have to many Minnows. 2. 56. ly/3ekLFL7!More Pond Videos http Feb 13, 2018 · Assuming your static pond water volume is 2000 meter square and you intend to produce an average size of 900 grams of catfish at end of culturing season with an average mortality rate of 5 percent, and then the calculation can be done thus: 2000 meter square of water volume multiplied by 1. but, we were told by a family member to get the catfish out of there. If the fish are to be fed, then you can stock as many as 2,000 per acre. However, for larger fish species or if you plan to grow the fish to a larger size, the stocking density should be lower to . Catfish pond stocking costs $0. Flathead catfish feed mainly on fish and may have a place in the management of small lakes that have an overpopulation of bluegill. You never have to lift a finger. This will reduce stress in the fish. Call us at 1-870-578-9773 and one of our representatives will place your order for the next Fish Day in your area. This type of stocking pattern will ensure that you will always have adequate population densities and fish that are of a desired size class for you to harvest. Catfish tend to be lured by smelly bait. Step 3: Place Your Order. Small farm ponds usually lack these cavities, thus stunting a catfish spawn. Channel Catfish, one of Missouri's most popular sport and food fish, have been stocked in ponds throughout the state. Stocking five grass carp per acre in weed-free ponds helps prevent future weed problems. This can be all bluegill or, if desired, 350 bluegill and 150 redear sunfish. 4K. As catfish do not regularly reproduce in pond settings due to less than desirable spawning habitat. Working with some rules of thumb we have some examples of what maximum fish stocking rates could look like. Generally, catfish minnow will eat more food at night. Pond Stocking Packages are a great way to establish fish in a new pond or supplement quantities in an existing pond. 0, via Wikimedia Commons – Original / License. Pike. only catfish. Remember that 1 surface acre contains 43,560 square feet. 8 divided by 900 gram plus 5 percent expected mortality Jun 20, 2019 · Walk around the pond and observe air bubbles and watch for the catfish jumping out of the water. Consider fish size when selecting a reel. 100 to 300 2-4” or 4-6" Bluegill stocked in the spring. The typical stocking rates are 50 bass, 500 bluegills, and 50 catfish per surface acre. Largemouth bass. 3K subscribers. Contact us today by calling 361-798-5934 to learn more about our hybrid blue catfish or our other species of stocking fish. Farm pond summer fish kill. Jun 27, 2022 · In ponds that will not be fertilized, stock about 100 catfish per acre. Stocking the fish is only the beginning if you don’t have a pond already. In this scenario, fisheries biologists will transport your fish in one of our vehicles that have been modified specifically for this purpose. Initial channel catfish stocking rate usually is 100 fingerlings per surface acre (i. Jan 18, 2018 · Because they tend to stir up the bottom of the pond, we recommend stocking 50-100 per surface acre to maintain water clarity. Our fish farm is centrally located in South Carolina, offering delivery and pick up services. This small catfish rarely grows larger than 12 inches in ponds. Fathead Minnows are $12 / 100 (up from $10) OUR FOCUS: We want you to know that we do our best to keep your costs low and to provide the healthiest fish available. Channel Catfish are also recommended for pond Apr 23, 2024 · Starting a catfish farm at home offers a sustainable way to provide food and generate income. Stocking rates Aug 23, 2005 · 58 posts · Joined 2005. 2-10***. ©Chris Light, CC BY-SA 4. Muskellunge, Northern Pike, and Lake Trout come in trophy proportions. Cultivating catfish with carp fish, tilapia or pangash will help to reduce the feeding costs. If you have a pond that is slightly muddy, stock heavily with Fathead Minnows to support your Catfish and Specklebelly until your pond is fully established. Marcus Rosten / CC BY 4. 60 to $4. Generally stocking rates are 500 to 1500 per acre. When temperatures approach 72F, males will develop pronounced mus-cles on their heads. These maximum stocking rate examples do assume a few things. Channel cats are cavity nesters, meaning they lay their eggs in crevices, hollows or debris, to protect them from swift currents. In fact, many private ponds are kept exclusively for these fish. The same method holds true for Hybrid Striped Bass. They are usually stocked when the reach a length of 6-8 inches. The black crappie is more ideal for stocking in ponds compared to the white crappie. This allows for proper space and resources for the fish to thrive. Our first priority is to make sure your pond is stocked right the first time. Optional: 25 to 100 4-6” or 6-8" Channel Catfish stocked in the fall. You can stock 4000-5000 catfish if you cultivate with pangash or tilapa. Determine Pond Suitability: Ensuring proper water quality is crucial to stocking a pond with fish. If you're looking for the perfect fish for your private pond or fishing lake Nov 1, 2023 · NEVER BEEN BETTER! Through Fish and Wildlife’s extensive stocking programs incredible opportunities exist not only for trout but for Walleyes, Hybrid Striped Bass and Channel Catfish as well. Our fish include Largemouth Bass, Blue Gill Bream, RedEar Sunfish (Shellcracker), Farm Raised Shad, Black Crappie, Hybrid Striped Bass, and Channel Catfish. May 21, 2021 · May 21, 2021. * The number of catfish you choose to stock depends on how many catfish you want to feed. Simply call your local County Extension Agent. Fish Pricing & Stocking Rates. Oxygen levels: Adequate dissolved oxygen is crucial for catfish to maintain their Feb 23, 2024 · Catfish pond stocking cost. In Florida, 100 bass and 600-700 bluegill fingerlings are normally stocked per acre. e. Helping you stock your pond or lake the right way in Louisiana is our main goal. Whether you are trying to stock a new Farm pond Management Catfish &bluegill is a video explaining about how to manage fish in your pond, and how to set up the right conditions for your channel C This ratio is a great rule of thumb when stocking your pond. They usually spawn in the summer months when water temperatures are the highest. You can put 1000 to 3000 in if you like, but at least 500 to 1000 to start. Triploid Grass Carp. Oct 11, 2023 · In this article we will explore 5 important steps to follow when stocking a pond with fish. This staggered stocking gives the bluegill time to grow, spawn, and establish a good forage base on which the bass can feed. You can have your cake and eat it too! If you stock the right species and practice good pond management, channel catfish and bass can co-exist. 40 to 80 2-4” or 4-6” Largemouth Bass stocked in the fall. Beyond the architecture, however, the fish can set you back up to $500 per acre for baby bass and another $15,000 2. minimum $1500 within 51-100 miles. The Bass Pond Package is ideal for ponds that vary in temperature or depth throughout the year since the species in this Stock channel catfish at a density of 70 catfish fingerlings per acre. May 5, 2020 · May 5, 2020. Channel catfish grow fine without feeding in most ponds when stocked at 100 or fewer per acre. Three types of ponds are used in catfish farming. Stock them at the same time as hybrid bream fingerlings, and do not LDWF’s Get Out & Fish! provides easy and affordable access to quality fishing at locations close to cities and towns. This is the same plan as described above, but by stocking the Bluegill and minnows in the POND MANAGEMENT SERIES AQUAGUIDE MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION Monoculture of Channel Catfish in Farm Ponds Channel catfish, one of Missouri’s most popular sport and food fish, have been stocked in ponds throughout the state. With Arkansas pond stocking we offer a variety of fish to stock your pond or lake. Recommended stocking rates vary by lake size, location, condition of the Hatchery pick up hours are Saturdays from 8am to 12pm (noon). #12 · Aug 29, 2005. Select the use for your pond, your pond size and instantly view the results Channel catfish are a fun and easy fish to stock in your pond. If you want channel catfish in your pond, stock at 50 catfish per acre. Let’s have some in-depth information about the pond’s fish stocking. All the big flats were floating along with some 5-6lb bass. Fry can also be fed with natural food sources, such as tiny insect larvae and zooplankton. minimum $1000 within 31-50 miles. Normally in farm ponds, where bream and bass are If channel catfish catches decline 4 to 5 years after the first stocking, stock 50 (6 to 8 inches in length) catfish per acre every other year. d Largemouth bass are to control hybrid bream reproduction. We want to be your pond stocking Company for life. Jul 13, 2020 · Initially Stocking A New Pond - In this pond side chat, we answer some common questions when initially stocking a new pond. 100. Now if you’re going to stock them just per fun, stock 100 per acre or less. Walleye. Plus, it'll give you and your guests a more diverse fishing To prevent this type of fish kill, your pond should be at least 8 feet deep in 5 percent to 10 percent of the pond area. These include: Water temperature: Catfish are most active and have the highest feed consumption when water temperatures are between 75-85°F (24-29°C). Many pond owners have difficulty estimating the surface area of their ponds. Muddy ponds can cause the fish to grow slowly, and the muddiness can be caused by a number of reasons. If a pond owner decides to stock catfish they need to be aware that catfish will consume a portion of the food supply and somewhat reduce the total pounds of bass and bluegill the pond can maintain. He said that they are a menace and will devour everything. Jul 25, 2023 · The number of fish you can put in a 1000-gallon pond depends on the size and type of fish. b Optional. Fish can’t find food that way. But other options are available. Pond Stocking Basics. Stock up to 200 catfish per surface acre for a catfish pond. Pond owners looking to establish a pond with trophy bass (20+ inches) at low densities should use the stocking rates in Table 2 . If you harvest 100 catfish during the season, then next spring stock 100 6-8” catfish to replace them. The stocking rate examples assume the pond is properly aerated. Normally in farm ponds, where bream and bass are Nov 16, 2020 · For a typical medium-sized pond, you should stock 50-100 largemouth bass, 500- 800 bluegills, and 80-100 perch (yellow) per surface acre. For the perfect pond site, according to Field and Stream, you should be prepared to pay $3,000 to $5,000 per acre with permitting and dam building included. In Florida, 100 bass and 500 bluegill fingerlings are normally stocked per acre. Subscribed. Recommended fish stocking quantity per ½ acre: Jul 19, 2016 · Kenneth Henneke Fish Hatchery is a family-operated business that has been helping customers manage and stock their fishing sites since 1980. Striped bass. One type of management is to feed the catfish. Feb 13, 2017 · 10 lbs of Tuffies (fathead minnows) stocked in the spring. These fish include Largemouth Bass, Coppernose Bluegill, Native Bluegill, Hybrid Bluegill, Black Crappie, Channel Catfish, Redear Bream, Fathead Minnows and Grass Carp. 2,000. 132K views 5 years ago. That they eat everything. We offer a variety of fish to stock your pond or lake. Stocking Rate: Fish per Acre. In catfish farming provide 20% of feed daily for the first 10 days, as per the body weight of stocked fish. Stock up to 50 channel catfish per acre if desired. Catfish are usually stocked in early spring at various rates depending on the level of management of the pond and fish. A small, well-managed pond can produce 300 to 500 pounds of catfish per surface acre each year, providing many hours of recreation and an abundance of high quality Years of experimentation have shown three fish species are best suited for Iowa ponds. If you don't intend to feed the catfish, we recommend stocking at a rate of about 200 catfish per acre. A Small Pond Will Likely Require Catfish Restocking After a Harvest. If your acre was perfectly square, it would be 209 feet wide and 209 Channel catfish spawn in water tempera-tures between 72F and 82F. Without a doubt, the most convenient way to get fish is Pond King's delivery. Without aeration your pond can not sustain as many fish. Stock 500 bream per acre. Add pond water to the tank slowly to make temperatures consistent. If there’s too little oxygen, you may need to harvest some fish. For a bass and catfish pond, stock up to 50 catfish per acre in an unfertilized pond or up to 100 per acre when fertilized. Predator fish are largemouth bass or channel catfish, while prey fish would be bluegill or red ear sunfish. However, smaller ponds can also be suitable if managed well. Oct 13, 2023 · The stocking density volume of catfish can be classified into three [3]. Stocking your pond or lake to enjoy great fishing year in and year out is the goal of most of We stock ponds in Alabama every day. If your pond fluctuates considerably in surface area, stock it based on the average annual low-water surface area. It is an excellent panfish and sport fish for many anglers. That they will just eat anything and everything in our pond. Channel catfish can reach very large sizes, but their survival and reproduction is unpredictable in Pennsylvania ponds. Higher stocking rates will require supplemental feeding to keep fish healthy and growing. The Neals' Homestead. Some options include chad, chicken liver, night crawlers, and crawfish. Well-designed ponds, constructed on soil with a proper clay content and adequate water supply, have a useful life of at least 10 years. Channel catfish need warm water for good growth; 80 to 85 degrees F is the optimum temperature, though some growth occurs at temperatures as low as 60 degrees F. Jun 23, 2022 · Stock fish in the fall or spring, when water temperatures are less than 65° F. Channel catfish are a popular food and sport fish, which means they’re stocked in ponds across the country. Catfish are stocked in early spring and can be fed a pelleted diet to increase growth. 2 days ago · The pond should be at least half full and filling. If you have any questions or need a custom plan we would be happy to help! Disclaimer: The numbers generated below are tailored to ponds or lakes that meet the following requirements: If your pond or lake Sep 13, 2022 · Feed Management in Raising Catfish. And for the curious, one acre is 43,560 square feet. If the catfish are to be fed, then higher stocking rates of catfish can be 1 Acre – 20 pounds fathead minnows, 300 bluegill sunfish, 200 channel catfish, and 100 largemouth bass. Intensive systems with fast water culture media usually have a stocking density of 70-85 fish/m3. Stocking Presentations. Your pond needs an adequate watershed to maintain normal water levels and have a structurally sound pond dam and spillway. A well-managed pond can also benefit the ecology of the area around it. 700 Meriwether Road - Montgomery, AL - 334-799-8861 Feb 19, 2018 · Another thought about stocking density. BTW, one of my ponds starts out at about 1/4 acre. Please call (337) 230-0123 during the week to place an order. Stocking your pond or lake to enjoy great fishing year Channel catfish have a tendency to outgrow their area and begin to cause water quality issues later on. It was a real shallow pond and it actually turned over in july this year. The fish can then be gently lowered into the pond and released. These are catfish-only and hybrid-bream combinations. Catfish can be stocked at 100 per acre, along with the bass and bluegill or by themselves in catfish-only ponds. A small, well-managed pond can produce 300 to 500 May 8, 2024 · You can increase the number, if you cultivate only catfish in a pond. a Double rates if the pond will be fertilized. Catfish are bottom-feeders, meaning they feed on the algae, detritus, and other small organisms found on the pond floor. A fertilized pond, however, will support up to 200 fish per acre. Keep reading…. 0. If the pH is unbalanced, there may be too much algae or waste from the fish. Apr 9, 2018 · Stocking the Pond with Channel Catfish - YouTube. When properly managed, a small pond can produce up to 500 pounds of fish per acre every year, providing endless recreation and plenty of top-quality dining. Semi-intensive systems usually have a stocking density of 25-35 fish/m3. Stocking more than 100 channel catfish per acre in unfed or inconsistently fed ponds typically May 31, 2023 · 1) Black crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) The black crappie is a better choice for pond stocking compared to the white crappie, and can grow to a maximum length of 8 inches. Stocking: Channel catfish can be stocked in ponds up to 50 fish per acre. Adapted From: Channel catfish are cavity spawners, choosing to lay eggs in dark holes, or under logs and rocks. Apr 20, 2023 · Step Six: Monitor the Water Regularly. A friend of min put 10-15 large flatheads in a pond that was about 1 acre. Aug 19, 2022 · A stocking density of 500 catfish to 100 bass is recommended. Too many fish, at that time, can easily result in an oxygen crash with the larger fish dying first. Helping you stock your pond or lake the right way is our main goal. 00 per fish, depending on the size. So stock 200 to 500 per acre. Well-balanced feeds with antibiotics are administered to catfish in ponds experiencing pathogenic outbreaks. In an unfertilized pond, stock 100 channel cat fingerlings per acre. If that doesn’t work, go to the chicken livers. All minimums are before delivery cost. Small amounts of pond water are added slowly to the transport water until the transport container reaches the same temperature as the pond. Use your pH kit and oxygen meter to ensure that your pond water is always balanced and healthy. Once you’ve located them start using bait that they’re used to eating. Sep 10, 2023 · If you want to raise more than one species of fish, the experts recommend having a pond larger than one acre. Regular monitoring and adaptation to catfish needs ensure long-term success and productivity. cRecommended. Generally stocking rates are from 500-1500 per acre. The fish are growing wonderfully and have nests made etc. Pond Size: The ideal pond size for stocking channel catfish is at least one acre. The first, called embankment or levee ponds, is the most All deliveries are on our oxygenated trucks and are placed in your ponds by our staff biologists. 1/4 acre ponds might be 1/4 acre at the end of May but, by the end of Summer, will almost certainly be a lot smaller. An average of approximately 1000 fish per acre is used. minimum $2000 within 100-200 miles. Been there; done that more than once. Catfish can be fed each day or only occasionally, depend-ing on the rate of growth desired. Catfish like holes and underwater burrows to “nest. In ponds that include feeding, 300 to 2,000 per acre may be stocked, although stocking more than about 400 per acre will likely require aeration given the amount of feed needed to produce good growth rates. Stock five triploid grass carp per acre to avoid weed problems. [1] 2. Namely; An extensive system with earthen ponds usually has a stocking density of 10-15 fish/m3. In ponds with good water quality and a rigorous feeding program these numbers can be doubled. 1. Check out our Recommended Pond Stocking Rates on Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, Hybrid Bluegill, Coppernose Bluegill, Redear Bream, Florida Hybrid Bass, Diploid and Triploid Grass Carp (White Amur), Black Crappie, Oriental Koi, Florida Bass, and Fathead Minnows, then go to our Our 1/2 acre pond package* WITH Catfish is the perfect fit! for stocking a smaller lake or pond. Great fishing opportunities await – so come find out why fishing in NJ has Of course, catfish stocking rates will vary depending on if you plan to feed your fish or not. We do what we can to keep your pond stocking costs down and the quality of service we provide high. There is a minimum order requirement and a delivery fee for this service. In Oklahoma this usually occurs in late May, June, and early July. Catfish and Bass Can Co-exist. Gambusia Minnows. Channel catfish are a fun and easy fish to stock in your pond. Bullheads have a square tail with rounded edges and dark olive sides. Proper planning, from pond setup to water management, is crucial for catfish health and growth. However, correctly stocking a pond requires an understanding of environmental EASY FISHING POND STOCKING NUMBERS. The stocking rate truly depends on the pond owner and how much they like to catch catfish. You can also include a similar number of other common types of fishes according to your preference. Please note that channel catfish DO NOT “clean up” pond bottoms. Keeping a multiple-species pond running requires plenty of space for the fish to move around, spawn, and feed. If the fish are hanging around on top of the water, use a bobber and circle hook with the native bait. So, the feed should be given twice a day. Bluegill? Largemouth? Sunfish?? T Jan 30, 2017 · Multispecies ponds are often stocked with a mix of largemouth bass, bluegill, and channel catfish. Also, make sure the water temperature in the hauling tank and the pond don't differ by more than 5° F. Mar 28, 2024 · Several environmental factors can influence the feeding behavior and appetite of catfish in a pond setting. As a rough estimate, you could stock around 10 to 20 small fish (e. , goldfish or guppies) in a well-maintained 1000-gallon pond. It is easy to overestimate, and this often leads to overstocking. In fact, having both species in your pond ensures all the resource will be used to their maximum potential. Package Includes: 375 Bluegill; 50 Red Ear; 50 Hybrid Bluegill; 100 Largemouth Bass; 50 Crappie; 5 -lbs Minnows; 150 (4-6″) Catfish * 1/2 acre pond packages do not qualify for free delivery. Larger catfish might eat smaller ones, which is a big issue for those maintaining decorative ponds. Their feeding habits lead them to stir around in bottom sediments Mar 20, 2023 · 1. Normally in farm ponds, where bream and bass are Farm ponds can be stocked with either chan-nel or blue catfish. Sep 12, 2022 · These are smaller-sized feeds with markedly high amounts of protein (up to 45%) for rapid development growth. Oct 20, 2023 · Initially, you can stock your pond or lake with channel catfish at a ratio of around 100 fingerlings per acre if you also have bass and sunfish, or you can use more catfish per acre if that’s Adding catfish to a bass pond is not recommended, as it can have a negative effect on the ecosystem. I would also make sure the pond is plenty deep. This could disturb the food chain balance and be harmful to the bass. Also available in a 1/2-acre package WITHOUT Catfish. Research continues on the use of this fish as a management tool. A properly stocked and maintained pond or lake on your property offers the opportunity for countless hours of fishing and great memories with family and friends. It was a mess. If the catfish are to be fed, then higher stocking rates of catfish can be used. If your goal is a catfish pond, stock fertile water with up to 200 per surface acre. Types of Fish. Stocking your pond or lake to enjoy great Farm ponds can be stocked with either chan-nel or blue catfish. After first 10 days stocking, reduce the feed serving rate to 12 to 15 percent. If larger fish are stocked, fewer fish are required. Catfish-only Ponds Channel catfish grow well with few disease problems when stocked at 100 to 150 per acre. Our pond stocking services begin at $500 within 30 miles of Caddo Mills, Texas. When selecting the proper bait for your trap, opt for something that produces a strong odor. Another option is adding fathead minnows to feed the predator fish to allow the prey fish to get established. In fertilized ponds without feeding, stock 200 to 300 per acre. Overall, the male is darker than the Use code MILLIKEN16 for up to 16 FREE MEALS + 3 Surprise Gifts across 6 HelloFresh boxes plus free shipping at https://bit. Regular Stocking: (North of Alexandria, LA) Largemouth Bass. If you plan on feeding catfish a commercial food, then you can stock a pond with up to 1,000 catfish fingerlings per Our Pond Stocking Calculator is designed to give you an estimate for stocking your pond. Complete a separate application for each pond and return it to the address on the application. In your pond or lake, catfish won't reproduce 5 days ago · The bass-bream stocking combination tends to be less successful in ponds smaller than 1 acre because bass are easy to overharvest and the bream become too abundant to grow to a harvestable size. Fish Jan 9, 2012 · Bob Lusk, the Pond Boss, talks about raising healthy catfish in small ponds, and what how to stock your pond to grow catfish. In this video we go and pick up some channel catfish to Jul 18, 2021 · Perch. Contact the Fisheries Division by mail (PO Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK 73152) or phone (405) 521-3721 to receive an application. ”. Through this program, LDWF partners with local governments and community organizations to stock community fishing ponds with adult channel catfish in the spring and fall and rainbow trout in the winter, weather permitting. Apr 22, 2009 · 10# flathead minnows. TCA Fish Farms raises top quality fish for pond stocking. Prepare Pond Location. Ensure that the fish are all comfortable with one another and can coexist before you let them live in close contact. Largemouth Bass and Bluegill are the primary species stocked in ponds, and must be stocked in combination to provide a good fishery. g. They thrive in small and large rivers, reservoirs, natural lakes and ponds. You can cultivate catfish with other fish species such as tilapia fish, pangash etc. Select a bait that provides a strong smell. Channel catfish prefer warmer water (about 60° to 70°F) in areas with little or no currents. Bluegills are an excellent panfish and serve as prey for largemouth bass. Now, if you’re going to stock them and name them here a buddy, hey jimmy, stock 50 or 60 per acre. Improper stocking rates may prevent a pond from producing a quality fishery. Catfish can be grown in ponds, cages and raceways, but more than 95 percent of all catfish are produced in earthen ponds. Stocking: Comparable to channel catfish in stocking rates blue catfish a fertilized pond can support 50-100 fish per acre, while an unfertilized pond is recommended to be stocked at the rate of 25-50 per acre. Proper design and construction of ponds is critical to the success of a commercial catfish operation. , 10 per 1/10 acre) in ponds that are not fed or fed inconsistently. Place an order and we'll get you on our delivery schedule. Pond Depth: The pond should have a depth of at least 8 to 10 feet. The underside of the male’s chin will also turn darker and his lips will thicken. Flathead catfish, as well as the white catfish are not recommended in a farm pond. Looking for more pond informati The catfish stock will need to be transported and introduced to your pond carefully–by a method called tempering. Many small ponds are managed exclusively for channel catfish. Aug 19, 2017 · SUNUP learns the correct way to stock new and refurbished ponds. What not to stock: In small fish ponds, black and white crappies (speckled perch), yellow perch , pumpkinseed and green sunfish , bullheads (yellow and black) and gizzard shad are not recommended because they can become overpopulated, outcompeting your species of interest. qj xo js us dz vm xn bd ml db